Transforming off-the-shelf deep neural network (DNN) models into dynamic multi-exit architectures can achieve inference and transmission efficiency by fragmenting and distributing a large DNN model in edge computing scenarios (e.g., edge devices and cloud servers). In this paper, we propose a novel backdoor attack specifically on the dynamic multi-exit DNN models. Particularly, we inject a backdoor by poisoning one DNN model's shallow hidden layers targeting not this vanilla DNN model but only its dynamically deployed multi-exit architectures. Our backdoored vanilla model behaves normally on performance and cannot be activated even with the correct trigger. However, the backdoor will be activated when the victims acquire this model and transform it into a dynamic multi-exit architecture at their deployment. We conduct extensive experiments to prove the effectiveness of our attack on three structures (ResNet-56, VGG-16, and MobileNet) with four datasets (CIFAR-10, SVHN, GTSRB, and Tiny-ImageNet) and our backdoor is stealthy to evade multiple state-of-the-art backdoor detection or removal methods.
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U-shaped networks are widely used in various medical image tasks, such as segmentation, restoration and reconstruction, but most of them usually rely on centralized learning and thus ignore privacy issues. To address the privacy concerns, federated learning (FL) and split learning (SL) have attracted increasing attention. However, it is hard for both FL and SL to balance the local computational cost, model privacy and parallel training simultaneously. To achieve this goal, in this paper, we propose Robust Split Federated Learning (RoS-FL) for U-shaped medical image networks, which is a novel hybrid learning paradigm of FL and SL. Previous works cannot preserve the data privacy, including the input, model parameters, label and output simultaneously. To effectively deal with all of them, we design a novel splitting method for U-shaped medical image networks, which splits the network into three parts hosted by different parties. Besides, the distributed learning methods usually suffer from a drift between local and global models caused by data heterogeneity. Based on this consideration, we propose a dynamic weight correction strategy (\textbf{DWCS}) to stabilize the training process and avoid model drift. Specifically, a weight correction loss is designed to quantify the drift between the models from two adjacent communication rounds. By minimizing this loss, a correction model is obtained. Then we treat the weighted sum of correction model and final round models as the result. The effectiveness of the proposed RoS-FL is supported by extensive experimental results on different tasks. Related codes will be released at
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Learning from changing tasks and sequential experience without forgetting the obtained knowledge is a challenging problem for artificial neural networks. In this work, we focus on two challenging problems in the paradigm of Continual Learning (CL) without involving any old data: (i) the accumulation of catastrophic forgetting caused by the gradually fading knowledge space from which the model learns the previous knowledge; (ii) the uncontrolled tug-of-war dynamics to balance the stability and plasticity during the learning of new tasks. In order to tackle these problems, we present Progressive Learning without Forgetting (PLwF) and a credit assignment regime in the optimizer. PLwF densely introduces model functions from previous tasks to construct a knowledge space such that it contains the most reliable knowledge on each task and the distribution information of different tasks, while credit assignment controls the tug-of-war dynamics by removing gradient conflict through projection. Extensive ablative experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of PLwF and credit assignment. In comparison with other CL methods, we report notably better results even without relying on any raw data.
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商业深度传感器通常会产生嘈杂和缺失的深度,尤其是在镜面和透明的对象上,这对下游深度或基于点云的任务构成了关键问题。为了减轻此问题,我们提出了一个强大的RGBD融合网络Swindrnet,以进行深度修复。我们进一步提出了域随机增强深度模拟(DREDS)方法,以使用基于物理的渲染模拟主动的立体声深度系统,并生成一个大规模合成数据集,该数据集包含130k Photorealistic RGB图像以及其模拟深度带有现实主义的传感器。为了评估深度恢复方法,我们还策划了一个现实世界中的数据集,即STD,该数据集捕获了30个混乱的场景,这些场景由50个对象组成,具有不同的材料,从透明,透明,弥漫性。实验表明,提议的DREDS数据集桥接了SIM到实地域间隙,因此,经过训练,我们的Swindrnet可以无缝地概括到其他真实的深度数据集,例如。 ClearGrasp,并以实时速度优于深度恢复的竞争方法。我们进一步表明,我们的深度恢复有效地提高了下游任务的性能,包括类别级别的姿势估计和掌握任务。我们的数据和代码可从获得
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视频识别的标准方法通常在完整的输入视频上运行,由于视频中的时空冗余率广泛,因此效率低下。蒙版视频建模(即视频)的最新进展表明,香草视觉变压器(VIT)仅具有有限的视觉内容来补充时空上下文的能力。受到这一点的启发,我们提出了建议的蒙版动作识别(MAR),该识别(MAR)通过丢弃一定比例的补丁并仅在视频的一部分上操作来减少冗余计算。 MAR包含以下两个必不可少的组件:单元运行掩盖和桥接分类器。具体而言,为了使VIT轻松地感知细节以外的细节,并且会呈现单元格的掩蔽,以保留视频中的时空相关性,从而确保可以在同一空间位置观察到在同一空间位置的贴片,以便轻松地重建。此外,我们注意到,尽管部分观察到的特征可以重建语义上明确的隐形贴片,但它们无法实现准确的分类。为了解决这个问题,提出了一个桥接分类器,以弥合重建的VIT编码功能与专门用于分类的功能之间的语义差距。我们提出的MAR将VIT的计算成本降低了53%,并且广泛的实验表明,MAR始终以明显的边距优于现有的VIT模型。尤其是,我们发现由MAR训练的Vit-Lage胜过由标准培训方案训练的Vit-Bugue,这是通过说服Kinetics-400和某些v2数据集中的利润率,而VIT-LARGE的计算开销仅为14.5%。维特(Vit-Huge)。
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计算机断层扫描(CT)在临床实践中非常重要,因为它强大的能力在没有任何侵入性检查的情况下提供患者的解剖信息,但其潜在的辐射风险引起了人们的关注。基于深度学习的方法在CT重建中被认为是有希望的,但是这些网络模型通常是通过从特定扫描协议获得的测量数据进行训练的,并且需要集中收集大量数据,这将导致严重的数据域移动,并引起隐私问题。 。为了缓解这些问题,在本文中,我们提出了一种基于超网络的联合学习方法,用于个性化CT成像,称为超fed。超fed的基本假设是,每个机构的优化问题可以分为两个部分:本地数据适应问题和全局CT成像问题,这些问题分别由机构特定的超网络和全球共享成像网络实现。全球共享成像网络的目的是从不同机构学习稳定而有效的共同特征。特定于机构的超网络经过精心设计,以获取超参数,以调节用于个性化本地CT重建的全球共享成像网络。实验表明,与其他几种最先进的方法相比,超档在CT重建中实现了竞争性能。它被认为是提高CT成像质量并达到没有隐私数据共享的不同机构或扫描仪的个性化需求的有希望的方向。这些代码将在上发布。
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人工智能和神经科学都深受互动。人工神经网络(ANNS)是一种多功能的工具,用于研究腹侧视觉流中的神经表现,以及神经科学中的知识返回激发了ANN模型,以提高任务的性能。但是,如何将这两个方向合并到统一模型中较少研究。这里,我们提出了一种混合模型,称为深度自动编码器,具有神经响应(DAE-NR),其将来自视觉皮质的信息包含在ANN中,以实现生物和人造神经元之间的更好的图像重建和更高的神经表示相似性。具体地,对小鼠脑和DAE-NR的输入相同的视觉刺激(即自然图像)。 DAE-NR共同学会通过映射函数将编码器网络的特定层映射到腹侧视觉流中的生物神经响应,并通过解码器重建视觉输入。我们的实验表明,如果只有在联合学习,DAE-NRS可以(i)可以提高图像重建的性能,并且(ii)增加生物神经元和人工神经元之间的代表性相似性。 DAE-NR提供了一种关于计算机视觉和视觉神经科学集成的新视角。
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